Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wellbutrin is Her Anxiety Med Choice

Well, she's changed her mind about the anti-anxiety medication. She researched the three choices [Wellbutrin, Prozac or Cymbalta] her Doctor had given her and she's decided on Wellbutrin. Why, this change of heart?...Her boyfriend. He convinced her it was what she needed to do. The reason she chose WellbutrinSR is because of the side effects. The side effects may include: Agitation, constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, insomnia, nausea, rash, sweating, weight loss. She chose Wellbutrin because of the last side effect listed...yep, its weight loss. Has anyone using Seboxone also used Wellbutrin?


Unknown said...

I am very happy she has chosen. Prayers with you and her. Dawn

Patricia Marie said...

Just stopped by to say hello and send my best wishes. I am the mother of an addict in recovery. If you want to view my website send me your email at for an invite. Take care.

Unknown said...

My daughter has been a herione addict for 4 years I found out when she almost lost her 2 year old son to the state . I stepped in and did the 24 hour super vision thing for almost a year she was clean got her own place moved out and got back on the herione with in a month. She had escalated to a needle and lost her son to his father through the state. Its been almost 2 years of her on and off she will not stay in rehab claiming someone offered it to her there as well as that it was disgusting there. 7 months ago i let her live with me again and told her she had to stay clean in order to stay of course 2 months later i went in the bathroom about a hour after she had been in there she left to go out and i found 9 wax bags of herione. Called her and told her not to bother coming home. Its my hope that hard love will work.She moved in with her Aunt in another state for a cold turkey and fresh start as she says,4 months there and her Aunt tests her every couple weeks with out her knowing when its coming and she has been clean. My x husband her father died this week his funeral was tonight she came with her Aunt and her Aunt and I both think she got high while at the services. We will not know till she is tested when she gets home. Her eyes where blood shot and puffy she was squinting ( could have been from all the crying) but about an hour later her pupils were very very large. Should we be worried, can we hope ot will only this one time or she we prepare to throw her out on the streets? Her brother is only 11 and he knows she has an addiction but I dont and cant take the chance of them spending alot of time together if she is back on the stuff.