My 21-year old niece buys clothes designed by an American tattoo artist named Ed Hardy. She was wearing a hoodie with a Ed Hardy Design Christmas Eve. The design included a skull with a ribbon that says "LOVE KILLS SLOWLY" [shown]. I thought it was cute...so I drew a heart with a ribbon and a sword...my design says "HEROIN KILLS SLOWLY." Thought it was pretty cute too so I put it on Cafe Press. Check it out and let me know what you think.
nice design!! I might zip on over after the first and buy one
Oh man thats sooo funny.
Thats like Ed Hardy's trademark I think (not sure)
however I too tought that SAME thing when I saw it.
Not just heroin but Drugs
I love Ed Hardys stuff but I refuse to pay that amount of money for a hoodie.
There was a time when I would but idk I would have to be drooling over it to pay for it.
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Yeah...Ed Hardy is a tattoo artist living in California. Christian Audigier licensed the rights to produce the clothing line based on his vintage tattoos...he marketed the product to celebrities...maybe that's the reason the prices are so HIGH! ....there's also a new Ed Hardy fragrance...Gee, I wonder what a vintage tattoo smells like..eeeeuwwww? :)
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